Is it weird? Is it wrong?


New Member
my female veiled walked on the bottom of the cage eating her own shed. i knew that they eat their shed. but i also heard that chameleons will never walked on the very bottom of the cage. so is this action just caused by something wrong? thank you very much.
If thats where the shed skin is she'll go down there to eat it. Ive seen my velied female walk on the bottom for a big hunk of shed skin. I wouldnt be worried at all unless you suspect she might have mbd or something. How old is your female?
You have probably heard this before but, could she be looking for a place to lay eggs? Do you have an egg-laying ben in her enclosure? How old is she? Remember she doesn't need to be mated to lay eggs. Also, when my female veil started wandering on the bottom,as it turns out she wanted to mate. She kept it up for about 3-4 days and just out of curiosity i showed her the male and she almost jumped him.LOL. Someone on the forum suggested tome and since then i have placed an egg-laying ben in all my females cages, Just in case!!! If it isn't for those reasons she could just want toeat the sheddings. Have you seen her eat them? Also what are your temps? And the rest of your husbandry? Could she be looking for a way out for any other reason? Like it's too hot, cold,small,etc. Just a few things to think about.
my female veiled walked on the bottom of the cage eating her own shed. i knew that they eat their shed. but i also heard that chameleons will never walked on the very bottom of the cage. so is this action just caused by something wrong? thank you very much.

They walk wherever they feel like walking:D
Did she go right back up after collecting the "skin snack"?
It is pretty essential to have a laying container in her enclosure, but it sounds like she was just retrieving her skin.

oh, i guess she is fine then. i saw her eating the skin on the floor. and she is only 3-4 months old. so i think she doesnt need a egg-laying site yet, right?
There was a special episode of The Crocodile Hunter that focused on the chameleons of Madagascar (although I only recall 3 species...) and everywhere he looked the place was littered with Panther chams. He found one Panther actually crossing the street! I too had read that a chameleon will NEVER leave the trees except for an egg-laying female, but there certainly seem to be exceptions.
when do u guys think i will need a egg-laying site for her? after 6 month-old?

It is always good to have one just in case. 3 reasons: there could be a misunderstanding of the age and she could actually be older than you think, it gives her time to get used to it, and it will let your mind at ease knowing that she will be provided with what's necessary when the time is right.

here is something you may consider:
thanks, guys. one more thing, if i have a potted live plant in the cage, do u think that could be an egg-laying site? or i should just put another littly bucket with 6 inches playsand? if so, should the sand be moist? or should i use playsand? thank you again. i really appreciate it.
Play sand is used successfully by a lot of keepers ... and yes it should be damp enough to hold the shape of the tunnel, but not "muddy".
You should have a container closer to 10 or 12 inches deep, I don't think 6" is satisfactory.

when my cage is only 20" tall, should i use the trash can method? if so, when should i start putting her into the can?
when my cage is only 20" tall, should i use the trash can method? if so, when should i start putting her into the can?

i was just wondering, how long is your cham if its only in a 20" tall cage?? that is waaay to small for a 4-6 month old veiled. the sandbox should not be taking up half the cage either! maybe it is time to move into a larger enclosure to be on the safe side...

i am also curious as to your husbandry.. what do you have for lights, humidity and temperatures? answering these questions may prove beneficial in any advice others may have to give you cham the best care possible.

as far as the trashcan method, others may have experience with that (i have a male and have not done too much research about it). so perhaps someone will have something helpful to say :)
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