Is my veiled ok?


New Member
Well, my veiled has been pretty restless lately. He is only a baby and he has just been staying in the same place throughout the day and he is keeps going into a brown colour then back to green, is this normal?

Your Chameleon - It is a Veiled Chameleon, been caring for him for 2 weeks and is a male.
Handling - I handle my chameleon every few days for a few minutes.
Feeding - I am feeding my chameleon 5 crickets a day, if he eats the 5 I put a few more in.
Watering - I spray my false leaves with water.
History - I don't know if this is normal (I am a new owner) but I never see any poo from it? And it changes to a brown colour usually

Cage Type - Temporary Terrarium as he is only a 4 week old baby.
Lighting - Exo-Terra sun glo bulbs
Temperature - 85-90 in the day, 70 at night!
Plants - I do not use live plants, I have a false plants wrapped around 2 branches.
Placement - My cage is near a window which we don't open.
Location - UK, Manchetser
Well, my veiled has been pretty restless lately. He is only a baby and he has just been staying in the same place throughout the day and he is keeps going into a brown colour then back to green, is this normal?

Your Chameleon - It is a Veiled Chameleon, been caring for him for 2 weeks and is a male.
Handling - I handle my chameleon every few days for a few minutes.
Feeding - I am feeding my chameleon 5 crickets a day, if he eats the 5 I put a few more in.
Watering - I spray my false leaves with water.
History - I don't know if this is normal (I am a new owner) but I never see any poo from it? And it changes to a brown colour usually

Cage Type - Temporary Terrarium as he is only a 4 week old baby.
Lighting - Exo-Terra sun glo bulbs
Temperature - 85-90 in the day, 70 at night!
Plants - I do not use live plants, I have a false plants wrapped around 2 branches.
Placement - My cage is near a window which we don't open.
Location - UK, Manchetser

too start with that sounds too hot for a baby. 80 would be a little better for basking. when he's older it can get hotter. do you have a good temp range to thermo regulate? whats the temp at the top vise the bottem? do you gutload? do you supplament? poops should be a brown chunk with a white part (the urate) they can be hard to find from little cham in well planted areas. you should get some pothos, live plant arwe good for humidity (what your humidity?) and pothos are viney and really easy to tend to. you need a gauge to measure humidity and temps. pictures would be gr8 :)
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Hi im also in the uk! 4 weeks is quite young to sell a baby! What supplements and uv are you using? You should be using pure calcium on all feeding apart from once a week. on this day he will need calcium with d3 (twice a month) and multivitamins with out uv (twice a month). I would reduce temps to about 80-82f. Is it in an exo terra?
you do not have a UVB bulb. The Sunglo only produces UVA rays(basking) and no UVB. You need to get your uvb light asap! Get the one JannB told you to get.
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