Is Reptiglo 5.0 good or should i get reptisun?


Established Member
I just bought a reptiglo 18" 5.0 bulb from petsmart and is this the right one or should i get a reptisun? Also the box says the tube last a year, so should i replace it at six months like my gut feeling says or believe the good people at extoterra?
I just bought a reptiglo 18" 5.0 bulb from petsmart and is this the right one or should i get a reptisun? Also the box says the tube last a year, so should i replace it at six months like my gut feeling says or believe the good people at extoterra?

yes it is the right one and it should be replaced every 6 months from what ive heard
Not too quick. Sorry for being the devil's advocate. Repti-sun 5.0 tube is proven to be the better UV providing lamp for chameleons. That said, if you can return the lamp (and get your $27 some dollars back), return it, and get the $14 repti-sun 5.0 tube on the Internet.

Here are some related links found using the search function of the forum:
i payed 20 for the tube and since you have to take shipping into account it comes out to the same price.
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