You can give a veiled greens (dandelion, kale, collards, curly endive, escarole, mustard greens, etc.) and veggies (carrot, squash, zucchini, sweet potato, sweet red pepper, etc.) and a bit of fruit (apple, pear, berries, melon, etc.) The leafy things can be hung in the cage. Slices of things like apple, pear, red pepper can be impaled on the branches or things can be chopped up and put into a dish. Whatever the chameleon doesn't eat will feed any crickets that you might have in there.
Kyreg, Kinyonga said berries, which does include raspberries as a general rule. I would still wait to hear from a few other members, but that is a good sign .
I wouldn't overdo it with the fruits, because the high amount of fructose can lead to an overgrowth of yeasts an a couple of bacteria in the intestine, that normally don't occur in high amounts.
This can cause indigestion and lead to processes of fermentation.
I would rather offer low-sugar veggies like cucumber, green paprika o zucchini...