Is these okay


New Member
Hi I have a senegal chameleon i got at a reptile expo 8 months ago and was wondering if im doing okay i have her in a medium screen cage with lots of artificial plants and one real plant for lite a have a florescent bulb an incandencent bulb and the exoterra light fixture with sun glow 2.0 and sunglow 5.0 i feed her 3-4 crickets daily and some times wax worms and i coat them with calcium suplement every 3 days for water im constanly misting the cage with a hand mister and i instaled a rainig system with a dripper that i turn on and off so plz tell me if im doing it okay:D:):confused::D
If you've had your Senegal for 8 months, you must be doing things fairly well!

Do you gutload/feed the insects a nutritious diet? Do you use vitamins or calcium/D3 at all? Is your calcium supplement phos.-free? Does it get any direct sunlight?

yes constantly i feed them letus and carrots and the cage is sitting near a window and the calcium supplement contains vitamin D3
Having glass between the chameleon and the sunlight doesn't allow for any UVB to get to your chameleon.

Your gutload should/could include dandelion greens, collards, kale, endive, escarole, sweet potato, sweet red pepper, zucchini, squash, etc. You should use a wide variety of these things every time you feed your crickets.

Be careful with the D3....D3 from supplements can build up in the system.
Preformed vitamin A can too.

I hope your Senegal will continue to do well for yoy!
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