Is this a good New baby veiled setup


New Member
Hello, been doing research and going to get a baby veiled. How would this package work for a baby veiled setup? Thanks in advance for your responses :)
I don't see a link or anything. In my opinion, the kits don't really have the best of everything and most lack the additional supplements you will need. I am currently peicing my enclosure together little by little so I know I'm providing the best supplies for my cham (when I buy one after winter is over).
Pretty much what I started with, as a gift, did not last long at all. I got my Veiled at two months old so less than two months later I was already moving her into her big cage, not that you have to but I wanted to. It's so tiny in there I now use that for my crickets. For a baby I suppose it would be a little too big for free range feeding? Dunno for sure but cup feeding should sort that out.
Thanks for the info I've read several people use red solo cups for cup feeding. Is this generally the best cup due to the red color?
Personally I don't think the color matters as long as the cup isn't transparent I suppose. I used and still use sometimes a white cup/container my Cham came in. Just place it lower than your Chams basking spot so she/he can look down into it and there should be no confusion as to what's in there. ;)
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