New Member
I got my chameleon when he was about 2 months old, he is now around 7-8 months. He has always been active in the past, eating and drinking, climbing up and down everything in his cage. I always dust his crickets with calcium and "gutload" them, he eats about 15-20 a day. I have the temp. and humidity at the correct levels, with a uv light right center his cage, he basks under it daily. For the past month I notcied him walking weird, he grabs his front legs with his back legs and it makes it so he can barely move around his enclosure. About a week and a half ago I started finding him on the floor of his cage with his eyes usually shut. I pick him up and place him back in one of his trees/plants and find him on the floor again within hours. When I place him back in his tree he generally opens his eyes and moves on his way like nothing happened. He has a strong grip and is still eating (not as much but the crickets are disappearing). He still appears to be healthy except for the finding him on the floor thing. He looks like he could start shedding anytime, could that cause this? I first thought of metabolic bone disease but I have done everything to prevent this from happening since he was 2 months old, so I don't see why or how it could have happened. Has this happened to anyone else's chameleon?
Thanks for any responses!
Thanks for any responses!