Is this okay? O:


New Member
Basking: 80-85
Average temp: 76.5
Drip: Pretty much constant all day (with a bucket to catch)
Mist: Twice a day, three times if shedding.
Substrate: I'm currently using sand, i had no substrate untill a week ago. Was having real problems with pooling and water collecting at the bottom of the viv.


I would lose the sand and go with paper towel on the bottom to soak up the excess water or maybe make a screen covered water catch for the excess water if you want to avoid the paper towel look. I also just noticed the bucket in there already, I'm assuming thats to catch water? Either way you want to cover it with screen to prevent him from falling in.
I would always reccomend taller cages. The exo terra cages can work well but I would say go taller. I would try and get rid of the substrate as it can cause alot of problems. Alot of people get a towel and have it in the bottom. They get a few and put a new one in each day and was the one that has just been in there.
I'm aware of the substrate situation it was more of a temporary soultion untill something better came along. I am currently between jobs at the minute so i havent been able to upgrade my viv, but it is high on list of things to do. I've had him for about four months now and he seems to be doing well. I've just covered his bucket it never crossed my mind to do that so thanks for that. Any other tips or tricks for exo terra? I would Free range but it seems to be quite difficult in the UK.
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