is this pic a safe grasshopper


Established Member
Is this a lubber or is it a safe grasshopper?


what's a lubber? i thought all grasshoppers would be safe, besides you know, the normal risks that come with WC insect. just occured to me the other day, at work, when i was outside on my break and a grasshopper jumped on my foot, that florida has a ton of crazy looking grasshoppers, especially these smaller black and yellows that look perfect for my cham.

but, i guess bright colors sometimes means "bad" in nature.
I thought that I wasn't supposed to feed bugs/crickets from outside due to potential pestisides.
Yeah this was pesticides free area, plus i feed my WC Yemen WC feeders, he loved that hopper, he at him and 5 adult dubias. I actually got him to eat out of my hand but then he took of running after he grabbed a dubia from me, but hey he is wildcaught, what can i expect.
Because i own it the property. Parasites, i dont see them as a big deal every thing has parasites, they can be fixed. I do check health and gutload for a few days with wc insects. Better than what he was getting in the wild.
How do you know if the area is pesticide free? What about parasites?
You'd have to figure that out on your own, or collect from areas you own (as stated above). I don't collect WC bugs because there really aren't too many good ones out here.
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