is this plant ok to use?


New Member
i was wondering what this plant was and if it was ok to use for my cham


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No idea dude, what is it? It looks vaguely like shefflera but the leaves arnt waxy.
If in doubt, dont!
Its not very bushy anyway. what kind of cham and how old?
If you cant identify it with certainty, id go shopping.
look for the link called 'plants' on the home page, it has a 'safe' list. :)
Besides that link, I was under the impression that the money tree was highly toxic and to be avoided at all cost.:confused:
ok i dont think im going to use this plant but i was wondering if any type of ficus or schefflera would be fine. i know people like the ficus and schefflera tree and was wondering if it was only a specific type. thanks
I have a really tall money tree in my house, and when my female veiled was younger i would always put here on it with no problems. Better to eb safe then sorry. I would also say go with a ficus:)
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