Is this plant safe to put inside my chameleon cage?


Hello everyone!

I just rescued my first chameleon 3 days ago. The local "mom and pop" pet store he was in was shut down due to animal neglect/abuse and horrible conditions.

Anyways, my girlfriend has this plant in the house and I'm not sure if its safe or not!

Its an "Exotic Angel Plant", but after a little research, there is about 400 different types of Exotic Angel plants and I cant figure out which type I have specifically.

The spike/tag that sticks in the dirt says...

Im an indoor plant
Medium Light
Purify Air
Calm Senses
Water Usage Medium
Indirect Light
Medium Light

For more information:

Can somebody help me identify this plant and make sure its safe to put in my chameleon cage?

That plant looks to be a Plantain Lily or commonly called a "Hosta". I'll look up it's safety.
That doesn't look like a Hosta to me. The way the leaves are growing from a stalk in the center would be pretty unusual for that plant. They also don't normally sell them as a houseplant, because they typically need a dormant period. It almost looks like what my grandma used to call a "corn" plant. They usually have a main trunk though, so I'm not sure what it is.

With a veiled, I wouldn't use it unless you can find out exactly what it is, they tend to eat the leaves on their plants.
I guess you two are correct. The high rez pic shows the two upward shoots, not an outward spreading pattern. Dracenia plants grow upward, rather than outward, but I just read that both can be used.
i really dont think it is a Draceana. if you google image search it, they are skinny, long, not dark green with light green vertical stripe, and mine doesn't have the wood base/trunk like all the others have...

and it's definitely not Hosta either....

its from CostaFarms and it's some type of "Exotic Angel" plant for sure, I just don't know which type...
The problem with some purchases from this company, is that they don't put the plant species on the tag. I looked at numerous house plants at Lowes that looked like Cham compatible plants, but I just could not be sure. The salesperson admitted that it was sometimes difficult to determine, so we kept looking until we found plants that had their species labeled on the side of the pot or on the tag spike.
I'll bet that you looked at their web site to try to match the plant
also, if it is a Draceana (i don't think it is), it says on

Note: Corn plant is poisonous; keep it away from curious children or pets that may nibble the foliage.
yes, ive looked and compared every plant on costafarms website, but I cant make the match and be 110 percent sure which one it really is!
There are lots of Draceana, with varying growth habits. It's also possible that it's a cordyline. You can find at least 1 website that swears a plant is toxic. Toxic to cats doesn't always meant toxic to chameleons, neither does toxic to children mean it's not safe for chameleons. The word Toxic itself, can range in definition to possible skin irritation, and upset stomach if eaten, or deadly. The fact is, virtually all plants have defenses, such as hard to digest tannins, oxalate crystals, irritating saps, and so on. The key is knowing your plant and your chameleon and making decisions based on the reality for potential harm, versus avoiding or including things that are said to be safe or unsafe.
My advice on this particular plant is that it isn't particularly useful in a chameleon cage. It has no sturdy climbing perches, isn't tall or lush enough to provide much cover, and since you have limited space inside the chameleon enclosure, you should stick to plants that serve more purpose.
I would go with Ficus OP, as you have a veiled and they tend to munch. You could also grab a cheap pothos, they are toxic though I have heard of veileds eating it with no ill effects.
My advice on this particular plant is that it isn't particularly useful in a chameleon cage. It has no sturdy climbing perches, isn't tall or lush enough to provide much cover, and since you have limited space inside the chameleon enclosure, you should stick to plants that serve more purpose.
This being said, I can add that an schefflera/umbrella, ficus or pothos can be purchased at Home Depot or Lowes for under $6 in the indoor plant section. I am not sure if the HomeDepot Memorial sale prices are still available for $3.33. See my thread:
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If you want the plant in there, it's no more harmful than pothos or ficus sap. If you're still questioning its safety, I have you reasons why there are better choices.
so what is the best choice? I'm just going to go buy some. I have a lowes and walmart local. home depot and anything else is over a hour drive.

I have seen the conflicting info with plants. one site says it's ok, the next site says it's not!

what is the best recommended plant(s) for a veiled chameleon?
so what is the best choice? I'm just going to go buy some. I have a lowes and walmart local. home depot and anything else is over a hour drive.

I have seen the conflicting info with plants. one site says it's ok, the next site says it's not!

what is the best recommended plant(s) for a veiled chameleon?

Honestly man, its like you said where ever you look you will hear something different. Think about what you want from the plant. What kind of environment you can provide for growth, and make your own decision.

Extension gave you great plants, If your cham is a plant eater then Ficus and Pothos will be great. They are hard to kill, easy to maintain, provide the cham its needs. Best of all they are cheap :).
Mail order will open your options quite a bit. Top Tropicals is a great place to look. If you want an unusual, easy to grow, chameleon safe plant, that branches, and provides climbing/perching/basking/eating, and decorative potential, consider a miracle fruit bush. A 3 gallon or larger plant might run you $80, but you can find smaller ones online, on eBay, and the like for less. They take chameleon cage conditions well, can be pruned, without the irritating sap of a ficus, and they stay a manageable size, being a shrub, rather than a tree. Other, cheap ideas, available at garden centers include grape vines, as they grow fast, the leaves are actually healthy for the chameleon, and they can provide all of the above attributes of the miracle fruit tree. A hibiscus bush is a healthy option, but not the easiest to grow without excellent light, Schefflera are easy, grow fast, and are safe, a lot depends on your growing skills, cage size, lighting, the degree your chameleon munches on the plants, and so on.
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