Is this the repashy everyone recommends?


Established Member
Just not sure cuz of the gecko on the front


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Would the correct stuff be for chameleons specifically? I noticed this has d3 in it so it wouldnt be ok for every feeding?
i dont think the one people use has any special herp on it and i dont use the stuff but ive read of users dusting with it every other feeding because of the little bit of d3 and vitamins. dont hold me to it tho.
I notice on the container it says T-rex on the corner bottom. If you go on repashy's website you will not find that on there, meaning t-rex must distribute some form of repashy with there name and logo on it. Since it contains D3 you would not want to use that with every feeding. If you go to repashy's site there is one called calcium plus that is a all in one Insect dusting powder that is ok to use for every feeding.
I notice on the container it says T-rex on the corner bottom. If you go on repashy's website you will not find that on there, meaning t-rex must distribute some form of repashy with there name and logo on it. Since it contains D3 you would not want to use that with every feeding. If you go to repashy's site there is one called calcium plus that is a all in one Insect dusting powder that is ok to use for every feeding.

this is what i was thinking ut being an off brand, making it cheaper to order from repashy himself and getring the right stuff.
The T-Rex product is a formula I licensed to them 10 years ago and is quite different and out dated compared to the formula I manufacture and sell myself.

The T-Rex product is a formula I licensed to them 10 years ago and is quite different and out dated compared to the formula I manufacture and sell myself.


Aww no! So I take it this stuff is no use either then? We haven't used any yet thankfully.


Man that's misleading! I got it because it has repashy superfoods along the top

So is it the repashy calcium plus with the yellow gecko on the front that you all use? The one that doesn't say it's for a specific reptile?
The one I use from our sponcer repashy on top of page says rapashy superfoods top with Allen repashy signature and a leopard gecko picture says calcium plus and also get bags that bug burger together cheaper shipping in bags
So does using this supplement daily fulfill the chams need for Vitamin D also? Or do you still need to dust with Calcium/Vitamin D twice a month?
So does using this supplement daily fulfill the chams need for Vitamin D also? Or do you still need to dust with Calcium/Vitamin D twice a month?

if you decide to use repashy calcium plus you dont need other supplement .just dust daily the feeders with repashy cal plus and thats all.
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