Well he definetely will grow i guess, however you were using 45x45 one and my is a bit wider which gives him space in side, incase later he requires more space i'll rather purchase bigger case then let him be unhappy, i'll try to make more space... however i feel like he has plenty of space currently as he can go all around without any issues whatsoever. Maybe i'll have to visit baumarkt for new plants that could replace these fakes ones, as i didn't know that isnt good idea, since i saw its verifed for chamaleons and other reptiles, so i thought why not, it looks nice, so far i got scheffler, and i want to buy Ficus Benjamin but biggest issue in stores i can only purchase small plants so its still not to high for him to climb, however i just noticed he went down on plant and drinked some watter i never saw him do that, maybe he's learning usually i take some spray, and i spray him a bit so he can drink some...I thought I would picture it correctly. No, he won't be happy when full grown in a 60x45x90 enclosure, just as I wasn't happy in my 10m2 apartment in Berlin. Yes, I could live there and go to work, but I wasn't happy. Once your boy is full grown, you'll see he hasn't have much room to turn and walk around and yes some chameleons aren't that active and only use maybe a quarter of their space. A male can get a body length of 15 till 20 cm without tail and for now he'll be fine with your enclosure, but just consider to go bigger one day. I know that with all information on the web it's confusing and we'll suffered the same fade, I made the same mistake with my veiled the first time. I thought I bought a chameleon for available space I got, but the problem is, you end up searching for websites confirming you can keep one at the available space you got and you're denying the true facts (speaking for myself), started with a 45x45x90cm for my female and as soon she started to grow, I knew she needed the 60x60x120cm as recommended. Herewith proof of it
Just remind stores just wanna make money and when they got a customer, but he/she doubting about space they tell everything just to sell you something,
This is perfect, when they can bask above your head in height, then they feel the most secure.
This care sheet gives you lot's of information and in within Germany you also got a good source www.madcham.de and a panther will get almost the size as a veiled.
Here's full grown male for comparison, thanks @Beman for your pictureit's from a few months till full grown.
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Also for Humdity folie just came its not fully transparent, however i believe it should be as good! Since it gives him aswell some privacy while i am working at my desk, so he doesn't get as much disturbed! I just hope at nights i'll hit higher humidity in cage, also any advices beside A/C how to drop temp in cage, would ventilators help 120mm to spread fresh air or in general air from top.?? anyone have any advices regardless to it?
So first two photos is just like my small, i'll guess that my is 3-4-5 months old somewhere in that range..while the rest of photos seems like an older chameleon, they look very nice! Clean and Cute!