Its been a few months


New Member
I remembered the other day that we are supposed to be getting a Panther Chameleon in June (Not sure if the deal is still done or not, we have to check) But I have nothing to do so can you all refresh my memory of EVERYTHING I need.

I know I need the 24X24X48 cage.

But I've spaced lighting, heat, decor.

Its amazing how much I've forgotten.
I'm doing my first big cage setup :) I just bought the 24x24x48. I l know I'm gonna need a much bigger UVB hood & longer Bulb 5.0. I'll need to buy a higher wattage for my basking lamp as well probably 100 watts right? And I already have a pothos that I plan on putting in there and I will buy a standing plant as soon as I receive the cage!
We used to have a few Veileds one had a huge cage but we had fake plants.
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