Its been a while!! Charlie Pics are here!


New Member
Hey guys. So its been pretty long since iv posted anything about charlie and i just thought I should keep you up to date :) Hes doing very well and his colors are turning out wonderfully! Heres some pics so you can see for yourselves :)







Hope you enjoyed :)
Matt, he looks awwwwesoome! What a beautiful shade of turquoise! Nosy be's are one of my favorites. If I get another, it will be that or an ambanja I think!
the sky maybe blue but charlie is bluer:cool:

awsome cham...hope to get a nosey be someday:D
ya haha. id like to breed him but not be the breeder lol. Id really love to keep one of his babies!

I have a female that's ready but my male for her hasn't exactly figured out what to do yet =\

I'm sure we can set it up :)
I have a female that's ready but my male for her hasn't exactly figured out what to do yet =\

I'm sure we can set it up :)

That would be pretty sick :) Hes only 11 months though. So im guessing around march or April would be good if your still intrested? lol
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