Jackson Chameleon Availability..

Bush baby

Avid Member
I've been looking for another Jacksons after my previous boy of 7 years died last month.

I know they're usually more available in the fall months but I' scratching my head as to why nobody from Flchams to breeders on Kingsnake seem not to have any....
I've been looking for another Jacksons after my previous boy of 7 years died last month.

I know they're usually more available in the fall months but I' scratching my head as to why nobody from Flchams to breeders on Kingsnake seem not to have any....
Well merus seem to be gone now. Xanthos are as Always availabe and Jacksonii jacksonii are I guess a bit more easy than Before but you have to look harder than xanthos.
Cons: The Jackson's from Hawaii are severely inbred as they came from just a few dozen imported and then escaped individuals. You would be selecting a wild caught animal vs a hand raised baby. If you are unfamiliar with what it takes to adjust a wild caught you will want to do the research now. The direct from Kenya lines are larger and tend to be hardier.
Pros: You would be doing Hawaii a favor by removing an invasive species member. There is paperwork and airline transport involved you should investigate. I believe it requires a vet exam. It's doable just not simple.
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