jackson chameleons togather

co habitation of jacksons

you could give it a try and see how it works , but my guess is probably not . the guy i get most of mine from keeps several together in an outdoor enclosure, but on the other hand he is constantly having to weed out trouble makers, and there is a huge difference between an outdoor enclosure and a 260 gal. reptarium . it would probably boil down to a compatability of the actual pair chosen, and a combination of other husbandry practices, so imho, it could work, but it is more likey not to. the best chance of sucess i think, would be if you could set up two different basking areas, and two different feeding areas, but if you are going to do that, then you might as well have a second cage. i tried free ranging a pair of (mf) jacksons about 10-12 months old in a massive 7' fake ficus but it was causing problems for the female so i had to change the routine
I have kept breeding pairs of jacksons together for many years without any major problems. As Xanthoman said, you have to look at compatability issues. If they get along, there shouldn't be any problems keeping them together. Male jacksons are not like other male chams where the male will constantly bother the female in trying to mate. It seems that male Jacksons understand most subtle hints that a female displays.
A well planted 2x2x4 cage should suffice for a male and female.
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