Jackson female pregnant?


New Member
Well hello again. I recently acquired mu first jackson chameleons probably 3 weeks ago now. I got a male and female and her new born baby from a petstore.
The pet store received the male long before the female. When they received the female she gave birth instantly (babies unrelated to my male ). Long story short, the female gave birth well over 1 month ago probably closer to 2 months now. I've kept my female and male separate as the male has been dewormed and the female has not as i didn't want to harm any potential babies.
Question being, I've read females will give birth after 6 months and then every 3 months after that for 3 seasons.
The last 2 or 3 days she has been a dull brownish colour when she's normally a vibrant pallet of greens. She's eating and activity level is normal. I cannot determine what is making her turn this colour. All my other jacksons are happy, same temps (basking area of 85 at the hottest, ambient temp being 75-80 and a cool area of 72) and humidity with a dripper.
Is it likely she's displaying this colour from being pregnant or possibly getting ready to birth? Wouldn't that be premature?

Thank you


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They can retain sperm, but I think two months would be a little early for her to be giving birth. They really don't show colors like a veiled or others do when they are gravid, at least mine don't. If she can see the male she might be showing stress colors because of that.
Thank you for the response. I agree it would too soon. She can't see any other reptile. I showed her my male and she was completely unreceptive to him and of course i took him away.
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