Miss Lily
Chameleon Enthusiast
Monty is now 9 months old and for the last couple f months his appetite has dropped right off. He will only eat one or two feeders every day or so. More often now he will only eat every other day. I have spoken to other owners that also have males of the same age and they also eat very little compared to females of the same age. This is somewhat comforting. Having not had Jacksons before everything is very new and I'm still learning about them. He seems very healthy - he is a nice colour all the time and doesn't look thin at all, yet he doesn't have much appetite! I weighed him last week and he is still at 27g. He has neither gained nor lost weight in the last month. Does anyone who has raised Jacksons from babies have any ideas or input for me? I am probably just being overprotective of the l'il booger, but he is very special to me. I just wondered if anyone else has found the same appetite variances between the sexes with Jacksons.