Jackson problem


New Member
Well first of all i would like to say that this website its really great and this is my first post since iam new to this great site, i own a jacksons chameleon chameleon i had him for 3 months i believe he is like 7 or 8 moths old, he is 7" long with out the tail and well i have a little problem with him ever since i started buying small mealworms since i know its good to mix their diet ounce in a while, well i started feeding him mealworms one day and the next i would try and give him his crickets wich he used to love a lot lol well i guess now some how he got addicted to mealworms he eats maybe 3 or 4 cricks a day and thats it, i really dont want to starv the poor guy and not give him anithing, so plz guys if you can help me out with some pointers to get him back to eat more crickets he use to eat like 9 or 10 a day any help will be great thanks in advance to all
Mealworms are not a good staple feeder, so don't keep using them. If he's in good body weight now, he won't starve if he decides not to eat crix for a few days. As the old saying goes..."hunger is a sauce for any dish."
To get him interested in other types of insects, you could offer him some bluebottle flies. Flying insects often get picky chams motivated.

PS: Please consider that punctuation is your friend!
what i've been told mealworms are considered a "treat" for reptiles of all kinds and should not be a staple diet, they aren't so healthy either because of their hard to digest shell they have. They should only be fed maybe a couple every other week in my opinion
Thanks alot guys, i will try and feed him some other insects and see if he would like to eat cricks again, thanks for all again
Jacksons are notorius for getting picky on food.
Just like people, anything with high fat, like worms, tastes great! LOL

Its like a child always wanting to eat sweets and junk food ;)

Anyway, just offer some other feeder, they will not starve themselves, he is
just trying to find your "breaking point" by going on a hunger strike until
he gets what he wants from you.

You cant let him have his way with you ;)
imo, his appetite is changing because his metabolism is changing, and not in a good way. imo both meal worms and cricks are not the best of feeders for montanes . should be noted that not all veggies are cham healthy either. imo would probably be prudent to fill out a help form, before things get worse.

a basic overview of desirability of food choices;


Intresting, so what are good feeders for montane species then? I do feed my jacksons crickets aswell as locust, calci worms, Dubi's and wax worms probly once a month, what do you consider good feeders for xantholophus jacksons?
Jacksons are notorius for getting picky on food.
Just like people, anything with high fat, like worms, tastes great! LOL

Its like a child always wanting to eat sweets and junk food ;)

Anyway, just offer some other feeder, they will not starve themselves, he is
just trying to find your "breaking point" by going on a hunger strike until
he gets what he wants from you.

You cant let him have his way with you ;)

LOL you made me laugh:D And yeah it's exactly like that with my Xanth. He loves worms and flies.
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