- Your Chameleon -
- jackson 6 months old
- Handling - 10-20 min every other day
- Feeding - eating 5-8 crickets a day, ate mysterious roach Monday (2days ago)
- Watering - every day I turn dropped on a few times for a min or so, she runs right up to it, constant humidifier
- Fecal Description - white and brown every day, looks healthy
- History - I’ve had her since 8 weeks, she doesn’t often eat worms, only on rare occasions
- Cage Type - 18 inch, 36inch
- Lighting - 50 watt turtle bulb
- Zilla UV
- Temperature - 97 degrees F
- Humidity - usually between 50-60
- Placement - In living room, fairly high traffic area
- Location - Boston MA
Current Problem - so in the end of may, I boarded my chameleon at A local reptile store, and they fed my Cham dubia roaches, she seems to eat them. Just Monday, I found her chomping on a mystery insect (looked like a roach) and my assumption was the roach hid in the substrate. Since then, she has been falling asleep gradually earlier and idk what to do, she seems to be drinking a lot; and have no problem taking her to he vet.