New Member
Chameleon Info:
Cage Info:
Current Problem - Oh god, I'm like the most frazzled new parent possible right now. His name is Montel (Monty).
He has been closing his eyes sometimes when I open the cage - which I understand means he's just really stressed out. On the other hand, sometimes during the day he'll just be fully asleep. Research told me it may have been that blue day bulb (basicslly blinding him) so I replaced it with the incandescent with a dimmer, so I hope that that stops soon and he can have a regular circadian rhythm again.
His non/random eating is freaking me out, but I hope that's just moving stress. I plan to go get a parasite check, even though the store said he should be captive bred.
I really want to figure out a better hydration solution, and am planning on getting rid of the plant vining trellis (it has square edges which terrify me) and replace that with dowels and branches.
I also think it's very very important to note that this is an interim cage, and was bought for a small veiled chameleon that we took care of for about a month. Due to that, I'm planning on either building a custom cage or just buying the XLarge Reptibreeze when thats becomes possible. I also want to find a better fogger and/or mister, and a linear T5 for better UVB for the little man. Moving is also still happening (like he will need to be moved, cage and all again) so stress is probably playing a large factor in some of this.
I'd love for someone to be able to help me age him, and really any other advice is super appreciated. I've been doing tons of research and everyone in the community is so generous with communication and help so I appreciate it in advance!
- Your Chameleon - Sold as a Jackson's, male, no age besides "not adult yet" basically
- Handling - I've been moving, so I take him out to clean his cage and recently to move. Besides that, he comes out of his cage if I open it so I only pick him up to put him back inside again.
- Feeding - I've been giving him crickets, but we can't really tell if he's been eating them. We had quite a few in there (which I regret because we couldn't monitor his eating as well) but took them all out to restart again when I cleaned and moved two days ago. He also had 2 hornworms (not dusted) that day and ate those immediately. He now has about 5 calcium dusted crickets in the cage. There is also a vitamin (package image shown) dusted hornworm in there now. Crickets are getting the quencher in the photo, as well as some kale, and I just added some apples.
- Supplements - Calcium and vitamins shown in images.
- Watering - I got a Little Dripper, it's only been in the tank for two days. I try to spray his cage a couple times a day. He's had times where he keeps drinking (like he wants it out of a bottle like the big baby he is), and other days where I worry he hasn't drank all day (but maybe it's just when I'm not looking/home?).
- Fecal Description - He actually just went, and I have a picture!
My partner watched and said it looked watery, but I don't see the urea. It's seemingly normal besides that (finally, it was watery about a week ago and I was panicking). I don't think he's been tested, so I'm looking to do that once the only exotic vet in my area answers.
- History - I got him from a pet store in the area who seemed to not know a lot about Jackson's; no vines in his cage, a large piece of driftwood and seemingly orchid bark substrate for some reason. He was in a glass tank, so he was trying to reach cords outside it (image shown)
so I think that might be why he thinks everything is going to hold his weight (no Monty the leaf cannot hold you).
- I've been in the process of moving, and just got him on the 23rd of February. His cage was reorganized on the 8th. I added 2 new pothos to the bottom, took out the blue day bulb, and added an incandescent in a bigger dome for heat basking, and just added the Little Dripper.
Cage Info:

- Cage Type - Rebtibreeze Medium - 16"x 16" x 30" I didn't think the moisture was staying in the cage well so I did just add window insulation to three sides.
- Lighting - Mini Reptisun 5.0 UVB and a 40W incandescent bulb in a large dome (8.5in diameter I think?) He's been on a schedule of 8am to 8pm but we sometimes turn out his lights early when he seems to be sleeping slightly before bedtime. I'm thinking of trying to move his schedule back a bit, maybe 7am-7pm instead.
- Temperature - He usually has around 70-75ºF measured at his cage door, roughly 1/3 of the way from the top. At night the drop goes down to about 60-65ºF.
- Humidity - Humidity is roughly 40% during the day and I haven't been able to check at night yet (I will try tonight I'm sorry!) I also have a humidifier pointing at his cage that runs all night (the AC sucks moisture to the point I'm thirsty when I wake up too). I also try to supplement humidity during the day with my spray bottle if I see the humidity is below 40%. I use the Imagitarium thermometer and humidity gauge shown in the image.
- Plants - I have three pothos in the bottom of the cage (they're heavy and in kind of large pots currenly) that stretch up towards the top. I had just one but added two new ones in the remodel. I also have fake vines and fake branches with leaves on them for more coverage in the mid-top levels.
- Placement - Fair warning, this is temporary and also new. He is in a hotel room with me in the corner against the same wall as a window. The window has the AC/heater at the bottom. Because of us being in a hotel, there is sadly more traffic than I'd like since it's only one room. The highest table I currenly have is a card table, so the cage is roughly 2ft. off of the floor, and his basking area is under eye level (it will certainly be higher in the future!).
- Location - Central Pennsylvania
Current Problem - Oh god, I'm like the most frazzled new parent possible right now. His name is Montel (Monty).
He has been closing his eyes sometimes when I open the cage - which I understand means he's just really stressed out. On the other hand, sometimes during the day he'll just be fully asleep. Research told me it may have been that blue day bulb (basicslly blinding him) so I replaced it with the incandescent with a dimmer, so I hope that that stops soon and he can have a regular circadian rhythm again.
His non/random eating is freaking me out, but I hope that's just moving stress. I plan to go get a parasite check, even though the store said he should be captive bred.
I really want to figure out a better hydration solution, and am planning on getting rid of the plant vining trellis (it has square edges which terrify me) and replace that with dowels and branches.
I also think it's very very important to note that this is an interim cage, and was bought for a small veiled chameleon that we took care of for about a month. Due to that, I'm planning on either building a custom cage or just buying the XLarge Reptibreeze when thats becomes possible. I also want to find a better fogger and/or mister, and a linear T5 for better UVB for the little man. Moving is also still happening (like he will need to be moved, cage and all again) so stress is probably playing a large factor in some of this.
I'd love for someone to be able to help me age him, and really any other advice is super appreciated. I've been doing tons of research and everyone in the community is so generous with communication and help so I appreciate it in advance!