Jacksons came in!

Tim Vader

New Member
My jacksons arrived a few minutes ago so I snapped a few shots of them. They are currently getting a nice shower and will be in their new cages soon.

Here is the male. Very pretty, decent size. Very nice horns, my son is going to love this guy!


Female #1. Very red/ brown colored female. She has a bit of skin on her head that needs to come off, will likely be fine after the shower. She is supposed to be gravid, but I cant tell



Female 2, nice green female. Again, supposed to be gravid. She is kind of plump in the belly and way more laid back than the other, so its possible


I am still trying to figure out this camera. My cousin gave it to me, its a Nikon D5000 so I know I can get some much better pics with practice
As you said (and bears repeating) awesome horns on the little guy and those little girls look cute too!
I may be crazy but the third picture looks like the females eyes are a bit sunk in. Good thing you are giving them all showers. Very nice male.
Her eyes were just a bit sunken, but they look really bad in that pic, thats why I tossed them in the shower for an hour. I will likely do it again for the next few days just to be safe.
Her eyes were just a bit sunken, but they look really bad in that pic, thats why I tossed them in the shower for an hour. I will likely do it again for the next few days just to be safe.

totally what i would have done..well you can find out after they acclimate if they are preggo or not..calm acclimated preggo females usually retain darker colors, and especially when they see a male (lil white, brownish, or reddish upside down triangles, and they shake back n forth..like when you piss off a spider on its web and it shakes the whole thing..well they do that to the trees, its funny...but its hard to tell, maybe they just needed the showers, and some good ole gutloaded insects :D
I am still trying to figure out this camera. My cousin gave it to me, its a Nikon D5000 so I know I can get some much better pics with practice

Don't know much about chams yet, but I do know a little about cameras.... Put it in "A" mode and you'll have control over the aperture (how much light comes in), and it will pick the right shutter speed.

Sit down in front of something still-ish.

Spend half an hour and taking the same picture over and over with different aperture settings.

Repeat with the camera in "S" mode, which lets you select shutter speed, and auto-selects aperture.

I know several pro and pro-am photographers who use their cameras almost exclusively in A and S modes.

And I'm so jealous of those jacksons :)
Glad I am not crazy, and hope all is well. Let me know how she does. I wish it weren't so clod here already, I would love a baby.
Does anyone know the dosage of panacure to give these guys? I amgoing to check feed stores tomorrow to see if I can get it locally before ordering from LLL

FYI, the male and green female both ate like pigs today. The darker female did not seem interested when I was watching them. Maybe she is gravid, maybe still a bit stressed from the shipping. Either way, I am still keeping an eye on her.

Ambilobe will be here tomorrow!!
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