Jackson's Chameleon?


New Member
Hi all, I am a new chameleon owner. I bought my female Jackson's Chameleon about 2 months ago. She was approximately a year old then. I have seen that she isn't really green. She has dark red blotches on her back, and is occasionally green , but not the beautiful light greens like I see on here, it is still somewhat darker or not as vibrant. I recently put up towels around the cage for privacy, and I also recently hung up a lot more artificial foliage for her. I would like to know if I am doing anything wrong, as I will explain all of my conditions:

She is in a 18x24x24 glass tank. I open her tank a few times a day to allow air flow since only the top is screen. She has dense foliage and vines throughout the enclosure. She has a small basking spot which reaches around 80-85 degrees fahrenheit. I use a 40 watt UVA bulb. I also have a 5.0 UVB for her enclosure. The cool side is typically 75 degrees, and on super hot days, I turn on the air conditioner. I do see her drink occasionally. She usually drinks when I mist her cage down with a spray bottle. I mist her 5 times a day or more, which keeps around 70% humidity. I have a dripper just in case, although she usually doesn't drink from it. I feed her large crickets every other day. She normally eats about a dozen. I dust them with plain calcium about 4 times a week, and with a multi vitamin maybe 2 times a week. She makes one, 2, or maybe even 3 fecals the day in between feedings. I have her lights on a timer. They come on at 7:30 am, and go off at 9:30 pm. At night, the temps go down to the mid or high 60s, maybe low 70s. She also shed about 2 or3 weeks ago. To be honest, she is pretty active. She looks very healthy and active otherwise. Her mouth is nice and pink, she has never fallen in the 2 months I have had her, she is at a good weight, and she does not wheeze or breathe heavy. She seems pretty healthy, I am just worried because she usually just looks a little dark, and not the vibrant greens of a typical jacksons chameleon.

First, that cage is too small for her, I would get abigger cage asap.

Also, those basking temps are way to high.
Jacksons like lower temps, I would lower that to around 80.
1. You don't dust your feeders with anything, once a week with calcium powder at the most, it's not good for jacksons but they do require a very gut gut load for the feeders. 2. I recommend getting a mesh enclosure rather soon, they require good air flow and twice the height would be better. 3. You want the ambient temp around 74-76 and a basking spot isn't a must but is recommended to help with digestion and that's around 82-84
Hi all, I am a new chameleon owner. I bought my female Jackson's Chameleon about 2 months ago. She was approximately a year old then. I have seen that she isn't really green. She has dark red blotches on her back, and is occasionally green , but not the beautiful light greens like I see on here, it is still somewhat darker or not as vibrant. I recently put up towels around the cage for privacy, and I also recently hung up a lot more artificial foliage for her. I would like to know if I am doing anything wrong, as I will explain all of my conditions:

She is in a 18x24x24 glass tank. I open her tank a few times a day to allow air flow since only the top is screen. She has dense foliage and vines throughout the enclosure. She has a small basking spot which reaches around 80-85 degrees fahrenheit. I use a 40 watt UVA bulb. I also have a 5.0 UVB for her enclosure. The cool side is typically 75 degrees, and on super hot days, I turn on the air conditioner. I do see her drink occasionally. She usually drinks when I mist her cage down with a spray bottle. I mist her 5 times a day or more, which keeps around 70% humidity. I have a dripper just in case, although she usually doesn't drink from it. I feed her large crickets every other day. She normally eats about a dozen. I dust them with plain calcium about 4 times a week, and with a multi vitamin maybe 2 times a week. She makes one, 2, or maybe even 3 fecals the day in between feedings. I have her lights on a timer. They come on at 7:30 am, and go off at 9:30 pm. At night, the temps go down to the mid or high 60s, maybe low 70s. She also shed about 2 or3 weeks ago. To be honest, she is pretty active. She looks very healthy and active otherwise. Her mouth is nice and pink, she has never fallen in the 2 months I have had her, she is at a good weight, and she does not wheeze or breathe heavy. She seems pretty healthy, I am just worried because she usually just looks a little dark, and not the vibrant greens of a typical jacksons chameleon.

Some female jax have more reddish coloration. But, females tend to look more blotchy and less green if they are stressed. Can she see a lot of activity around her cage or other animals? She may be able to see her reflection in the glass tank walls somewhere so may think there's a constant intruder. I agree, the overall temps are high. Night time temps should go into the 60s...70 is too warm, so try to cool it down. I also agree that your supplementing is too high.
Thank you guys all so much. I have cloths around her cage, so she does not see much activity. I will be sure to only dust her feeders one time a week. Also, I will be sure to lower the temps. As for the caging, she usually is at the mid section of the cage, so I dont think she needs more climbing space in a bigger enclosure. Also, I literally checked far and wide for a screen enclosure, I could not find any. I am not exagerating at all. I cannot afford the shipping if I buy one on line. How could I allow more air flow? I open the doors to her enclosure several times a day to allow air, but I end up closing them later on. I don't know what to do for air flow? Or is just opening the doors enough?
Thank you guys all so much. I have cloths around her cage, so she does not see much activity. I will be sure to only dust her feeders one time a week. Also, I will be sure to lower the temps. As for the caging, she usually is at the mid section of the cage, so I dont think she needs more climbing space in a bigger enclosure. Also, I literally checked far and wide for a screen enclosure, I could not find any. I am not exagerating at all. I cannot afford the shipping if I buy one on line. How could I allow more air flow? I open the doors to her enclosure several times a day to allow air, but I end up closing them later on. I don't know what to do for air flow? Or is just opening the doors enough?

Andrew where do you live? I was able to get a pretty decent deal on Amazon.com for a screened cage. You may also find a used one on craigslist in your area. If the cage is getting too hot, or there's not sufficient air circulation then opening it briefly will help. I know that the one's designed for reptiles that open from the front have sophisticated ventilation systems. I have a female Jackson's too and she's usually brown, or blotched....I can't think of what else I can do to make her happy. I'm starting to think it's just a female jackson's thing.
Andrew where do you live? I was able to get a pretty decent deal on Amazon.com for a screened cage. You may also find a used one on craigslist in your area. If the cage is getting too hot, or there's not sufficient air circulation then opening it briefly will help. I know that the one's designed for reptiles that open from the front have sophisticated ventilation systems. I have a female Jackson's too and she's usually brown, or blotched....I can't think of what else I can do to make her happy. I'm starting to think it's just a female jackson's thing.

Thank you. I looked at Amazon and found a cheap deal too.
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