Jackson's resources? (Just got my 2nd Cham!)


New Member
Hey, it has been a long time since I have posted, but I am still around and keeping busy with my cham(s).

As of yesterday, I purchased my 2nd cham from a local reptile show, a really nice looking male Jackson's.

Any tips and tricks of the trade that I should know? Feel free to share.

Also, if anyone has any good resources for me, they are more than welcome.


P.S. His enclosure is all set up, but it is a temporary cage until I can get a bigger one. The hard part is finding room in our ever growing zoo that we call a house.

Also, he has a bit of shed around his horns. They told me he just went through a shed.


  • Photo Nov 11, 3 18 31 PM.jpg
    Photo Nov 11, 3 18 31 PM.jpg
    248.1 KB · Views: 138
Very little suplimenting but a good gut loading to feeders is needed and lower temps than panthers an veiled, if you can get him outside for natural sunlight regularly that's a big help for jacksons
I keep mine in the low-mid 70s, with a basking spot around 82-83... little supplementation using Repashys Cal+ once weekly. Adults get a few feeders every other day with "treat insects" on off days.

Higher humidity required, 60%+... This can be achieved by either a terrarium, screen cages with sides covered, or more misting all around. Depending on your location some of those things may be unnecessary. Just adjust as needed
Very little suplimenting but a good gut loading to feeders is needed and lower temps than panthers an veiled, if you can get him outside for natural sunlight regularly that's a big help for jacksons

I have read a great deal of conflicting information about Jackson's on the forum. I originally found that supplementing should only be a couple days a week, then I later read that it should be at most feedings. I started out with supplementing only a couple days a week w calcium, twice a month with calcium w D3, and twice a month w multivitamin. My boy started having issues w shooting his tongue so I have since increased the frequency of calcium and he is improving. Even with doing tons of research I can't say I am clear on what is best.
Thanks for all the help everyone. Sorry I have been slow to respond, but I had a sad day yesterday...my first cham passed. I am having a hard time even writing this. I have no idea what happened, one day she was fine, the next she just faded away. My fiance and I did everything we had read on this forum to no avail. We were giving her warm showers, hand feeding her, giving her water with an eyedropper, and nothing worked. I came home from work yesterday and she had died while I was at work.

Before anyone asks, she was not eggbound. She had a laying bin in her cage, but she never used it. I felt her sides from time to time, and felt nothing. I tried to learn from everyone on the forum and do everything that is recommended and provide the best care for my animals (of all species and breeds). The last thing I want is for one of them to have died because of something I didn't do.

Now all I can do is make sure that I provide the best care possible for my new Jackson's and the seemingly countless other animals we have.

Thanks again for all the help, it is much appreciated.
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