Jacksonville, Florida area : Where to buy Horn Worms?

Looking for a place to order from or buy from near Jacksonville, Florida.

Goliath Worms.
Check your local reptile/pet shops - not the national chains like Petco/Petsmart. Many of those shops will have them in stock. If they don't, you can always turn to Ebay - there's normally free shipping auctions up.
Check your local reptile/pet shops - not the national chains like Petco/Petsmart. Many of those shops will have them in stock. If they don't, you can always turn to Ebay - there's normally free shipping auctions up.
In my experience, the local shops are getting them online and just marking them up. If not Ebay, than Amazon. Josh's frogs has free shipping from their website right now, but they change their sales regularly.
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