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A note to all enclosure builders, make sure you create a cage with smaller netting than you think you need. If your cham can fit their head through it, then they can get their whole body through. Heres some proof...

I caught my cham sneaking out of his outdoor enclosure today. Looks like it is back to the drawing board.
I caught my cham sneaking out of his outdoor enclosure today. Looks like it is back to the drawing board.

Just go back over with a finer net, then you'll be fine. (at least, that's what I did with my other cage, with chicken wire. Not sure how net works)
I've been meaning to start over with new outdoor enclosure for some time. It looks like this is the time to do it. I'm just glad I caught this guy while I was watching him. I believe this is how my last cham ran away. But I could never figure it out how until now.
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