Japanese beetles???

:confused: I live in Maine, USA. During the summer we have an abundance of Japanese beetles feeding on our local rose bushes (chem. free). Can we feed these to a veiled cham?

I think you probably could.

"Fleming, W.E. 1968. Biological control of the Japanese beetle. USDA Tech. Bull. No. 1383 (pp. 3-4) notes that many native birds and mammals feed readily on adults of the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman (Family Scarabaeidae). He cites a U.S. Bureau of Biological Survey report in which stomach contents of 16 of 31 species of birds examined contained beetle remains. Grackles ate more than other birds; all 29 grackles examined had eaten beetles and the beetles constituted 66% of their stomach contents. Chickens, turkeys, ducks and guineas feed readily on beetles and these along with the grackle, European starling, crow and gull (Larus spp.) dig up and devour large numbers of grubs in heavily infested areas, especially when fields are being plowed and grubs are close to the surface in grasslands. Among native mammals, skunks are the most diligent predators of the Popillia grubs. The common toad (Bufo lentiginosus) eats many beetles. Hogs have long been known to gorge themselves on grubs. Fleming cites three sources in stating that proximate analyses of the beetles revealed 67.4% moisture, 22.1% protein, 2.1% fat, 1.5% ash, 6.6% crude fiber, and 0.3% nitrogen­-free extract."
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