Jax chameleon food?


New Member
I have an adult female jackson cham. I feed her crickets, but can I feed her superworms too? Also, I have reptivite multivitamin and calstron calcium. Could I give her 1 calcium supplement a week, alternating between the 2?
imo, cricks and mealworms arent the best xanth feeders, and never feed waxworms. that being said the more variety of healthy feeders you can offer, the better.
no single feeder should make up more than 40% of the diet and imo dubia are probably best for that. i recommend to reserve cricks mostly for supp purposes. other commonly available healthy feeders given in moderation include, silkworms, bsfl, bbfs, mantids/stick bugs, the occasional smaller horn worm or super. jmo



ps never heard of calstron calcium? is that a reptile specific calcium and does it include d3?
reptivite is a full house high potency multivite and imo, not my favorite product for a montane, if somebody was to insist on using it imo, a matchead every 6-8weeks would be plenty depending on the rest of the regimen. as far as plain no d3 calcium imo, a matchead or two a week is more than enough.

too much d3 will mineralize organs and blood vessels and too much calcium will cause appetite and impaction problems. jmo
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