Johnstoni Babies


New Member
I hatched out one clutch and a friend hatched out the other. Both will be three months old in less than three weeks. Just wanted to share photos. I'm only going to keep a pair and will be selling the rest.

This is a fun species to raise. They hatch out big and are fairly calm little babies. They don't seem skittish at all.

Is anyone here working with this species already? My experience is limited to the one WC pair I bought earlier this year. Not a good experience for me. The babies do make up for the disappointments though.


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WOW!!! They look great!!! What a cool species to hatch!! Sorry to hear about the pair. Babies definitely help though. Congrats!!!
Hi Elisa, what's your mortality rate been like with these two clutches? Unfortunately, neither of the two HATCHLINGS that were purchased for me in Daytona lived long enough for me to actually see them. :(
Hi Elisa, what's your mortality rate been like with these two clutches? Unfortunately, neither of the two HATCHLINGS that were purchased for me in Daytona lived long enough for me to actually see them. :(

Hi Kent. Sorry to hear about your hatchlings. The clutch I hatched out was 100% hatch rate. I lost one just last week though. The other clutch that my friend hatched out had one die at hatching and the rest hatched out. One death in that clutch occurred about two weeks ago.

PM or email me at [email protected] if you would like to try again.
Cool! Glad to hear most of them have done well! This was the species that first got me hooked on chameleons when I was 16 and the pet store I worked at got in a wc pair. I eventually purchased a pair of Jackson's and still haven't had a proper Johnston's experience. I purchased a cheap trio of neos that were poorly shipped and only lived a week maybe 7 years ago and never had any others. With my all new acquisitions, I still may not be able to finally get my healthy pair of Johnston's now but will definitely try to figure something out! Many thanks.
My experiences are also very limited. I've kept a male nearly a year (the one from my avatar) but it died very suddenly and till now I don't have any idea why. There's a good article about them in German. If you are interested I can translate you the main points of it, especially how to raise the juvenils
My experiences are also very limited. I've kept a male nearly a year (the one from my avatar) but it died very suddenly and till now I don't have any idea why. There's a good article about them in German. If you are interested I can translate you the main points of it, especially how to raise the juvenils

That would be great! Please do.

The male I had died rather quickly. He was acclimating so I expected the worst though I gave it my best shot. The female laid eggs then she had some issues with her tongue which she received veterinary care for. The tongue was amputated and days later she died. She was in very poor shape when she came in. Parasites were working their way to her skin and causing many lesions. It was sad but I was relieved she laid eggs on her own.
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