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I was searching for some information about chameleo johnstoni on this forum but I did not found much. Does anyone have one at home? How is it to keep? Where could I get one in Europe? Any information or picture of the little dragon is welcome :D
I've always thought they are a beautiful species and very desireable. Unfortunately I've not had the greatest luck with them. I purchased a trio of captive hatched babies online that were much younger than they were supposed to be and were packaged in deli cups with a bit of moist wood shavings upon arrival. All had eye and respiratory problems. I think one lived a little over a week :( I also had a pair way back when that were wild caughts. They did well for a while but I don't remember them surviving too long, maybe a year or a little longer.

One of the things I noticed about them is their proportionately longer tail. It is my belief that chameleon species with longer tails probably have them for some adaptive reason, such as living in a particularly windy mountain range or high in the rainforest canopy. Not sure if that's something you'd want to consider in designing a cage though, I really don't remember them using all the vertical space that much. Mine ate all the standard feeder bugs without any problems too. They'd probably eat small snails with soft(ish) shells also.

If you get any, post pics! They're always beautiful.
Those sites does not help me that much because they only sell those chams to US. But thank you anyway. What about jacksoni? which sub species do you like best? I like Jacksoni Merumontanus very much but they are hard to get as well, does anybody here have one? Or maybe Chamaeleo oweni those little dragons are so beautiful.:cool::cool:

thank you for your answers
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