Jungle Dawn LED Bars do *not* have bulb replacements?

To my knowledge LED nodes aren't replaceable the way typical light bulbs are. When they go out, that's it. Are all of the LED nodes not working, or only some of them?
It may be worth checking with Arcadia about their warranty, last I knew it is a 5 year warranty but I don't know the specifics. Maybe you can send them an email to see if it's covered for a replacement?
I have the same issue, bought mine in dec 2022 and can’t get in touch with Arcadia. I’m not happy about it. I contacted the store I bought from and they said I had 1yr through them. :(
I have the same issue, bought mine in dec 2022 and can’t get in touch with Arcadia. I’m not happy about it. I contacted the store I bought from and they said I had 1yr through them. :(
Okay, so I realized my LED bar was slightly unplugged, which is why it went out. :rolleyes: HOWEVER, both the vendor I bought them from AND Arcadia said they have a 1 year warranty. This is how I got a hold of Arcadia, if you want it:
[email protected]
Typically it's the driver that fails, not the LED itself. A LED has an average lifespan of 25k+ hours w/ the potential for upwards of 100k.

You might have to tinker around inside the housing if you encounter a failed unit but if you're the tinkering type; I'd think you could find a suitable driver replacement from Digikey, Mouser, or some similar online vendor.

I know you said you found your issue but food for thought.
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