Jungle Sunburst Veiled ???


Avid Member
Hey cham lovers...was wondering if any of you all where familiar with this veiled morph. Any pics also thanks
Doesnt look like anything special as far as a new morph goes. Just looks like an ordinary sunburst veiled with a little more yellow than orange in the background color. Another big wholesaler trying to come up with a cool name so they can charge a few extra bux for a veiled. :rolleyes:
horrible pics on that site and they also only show them with their fired up colors, so theyll look nothing like that normally. I hate when places only show fired up pics to try and sell animals when the animal isnt gonna look like that 99% of the time.
There was a Veiled i saw on here. OMG it was AMAZINGG!!

Almost pure YELLOW/ORANGE. and i don't mean a speck. I mean coveredddd!!

I'll have to find it. :today's mission:
Thats the jungle veiled I was thinking about getting, but if the orange sunburst or turquoise will probably end up looking better I would like those...but what if this cham looks jus like dad...which I also like
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