just a quick question


New Member
Hi i have vailed chameleon and he eats fine he drinks water and all. but this past saturday he changed skin but he had trouble with the tail. until yesterday he was clean all day but today the tail had like skin but dry skin i spray some water on the tail it seems to work but only for a few minutes im going to take him to te vet tomorrow but should i be worried? plz help me

thats him by the way not with th problem this was taken 3 week ago
I would only take him to the vet unless the skin is constricting blood flow to the tail. It should come off after a few days with heavy, warm, long mistings. If not, and if it seems to stay, you could try gently rubbing it off yourself.

A vet visit is hardly necessary unless there is heavy constriction, really.
thank you :) well today the tail looks fine but i think he is still shedding some skin but like i said he sleeps, drink and eat fine shlod i be worrier i heard that if a chameleon doesnt finish or keeps shedding skin they die or something is this true?
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