Just before a cage cleaning

My dubias...


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Can they not climb up the glass sides? I just got an order yesterday and didn't think they would be able to climb the sides but they seem to pretty easily. Are plastic tubs harder for roaches to climb up?
i give my dubias lots of hiding places so i dont get too many climbing up the glass that often. i use carton egg crates to provide them the hidding spots
Can they not climb up the glass sides? I just got an order yesterday and didn't think they would be able to climb the sides but they seem to pretty easily. Are plastic tubs harder for roaches to climb up?

Nope they cannot climb on the glass...they are just stacked on top of each other :p
haha. thank u for showing me that. in a month or two i should get my beardie out of her 20 gallon long cage, and i shall use it to put either crix or roaches.
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