Just finished !!!what do you think?


Established Member
well i need to get some rocks and i think im done !!!
what do you guys think ?!?! :D

i have the head bulb 6 inch from basking spot and the 10.0 uvb bulb at 7-8 inch where he can get ... is this ok? is this to close ?!??!
I think it is looking quite nice. A lot of things to climb on and nice plants to keep humidity and hide in. :)
Not sure that you need a 10.0 UVB... I use a 5.0.
Very impressed with your enclosure. I love how it looks. I would be interested to see a larger enclosure after the same idea ( haha i'm a nut for large enclosures).

This is for my 9 month old female Veil https://www.chameleonforums.com/members/goldenarcher1328-albums-cage-construction.html
You can see my male hanging out in it in that album as well as my male tegu checking it out.
Haha she's loving it!

Used to be my males home and he's all pissy.
There is a picture of her at 6 months first getting let into the enclo''sure attached at the bottom.

Can't wait to see your cham in the enclosure!
What is the scientific name of Hoya.


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