just got my mistking!!!


New Member
I just got my mistking in and setting it up. Now it says use distilled water or demineralized water or best performance. Now would it be good to use distilled water with my little guy?
the reason to use distilled water is to avoid clotting of the mist heads. Clotted mist heads somehow doesn't mist, instead they drips water..

But if somehow you mist heads are clotted, you can soak them in vinegar for 30mins and they should work again.
you want to use RO water or distilled because the water won't have the minerals in it that clog the nozzle. Also the misting will cause hard water stains and/or calcium build up on your cage.

You can use normal water, but you'll have issues with the minerals.
yup, what he said :)

RO is by far the most commonly used. No mess in the cage, no mineral build-up in the nozzles. If you invest in a filter, you can use the water for drinking, cooking, tea, coffee, etc. Win win for everyone.
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