Just saying hello!


New Member
Hey there just wanted to introduce my new baby veiled out there to anyone interested! I just got the little guy yesterday, he`s about 9 weeks old according to the breeder. His first day in the new home was wonderful, the breeder brought him over in a little plastic container with holes poked in and a little fake foliage for him to snag onto, he seemed extremely shy at first so I didn`t try handling him but instead just opened the lid and laid it down sideways ontop of the pothos I have in the enclosure, it took him a little while but eventually he decided to leave and explore his new home!

He was still very timid for a little while but he had a healthy green glow to him and seemed fairly happy and maybe just a bit nervous.
Velcro (thats what i`ve decided to call him :)) was actually surprisingly social after a little bit, he crawled out onto my hand quite eagerly and was having a blast getting to know me and my roommates crawling around bright as ever, he was the centre of attention all night! (up until lights out of course)

I have a 50w daylight incandescent bulb for basking and a 26W UVB100 bulb for the UVB rays. Unfortunately I don`t have a thermometre or hygrometre yet -I plan on grabbing one from home depot tomorrow though. I`m a little concerned to be honest because yesterday he was all bright and glowing and today he`s been dark for some time now : ( I think he might possibly be cold, but he doesn't seem to be trying to move towards the light from the basking lamp; however I can`t be sure if he`s purposefully not going towards the basking spot or if he doesn`t realize/remember how to get there so well, I was at school for most of the day today but from what i've seen he's been very unmoving, just kinda lazing a bunch in place not much interest to explore or in coming out to play, he's eating though (I had to kinda steer him towards the food) so I hope that's a good sign. I'll be getting a thermometre tomorrow so I can ensure the viv's at adequate temperatures. I would love any suggestions or opinions on the matter or just any general advice for a new chameleon owner.

Anyway yeah that's basically it, my good friend Travis told me that the community here is really awesome and that I should put a post here! He's the one who got me into the idea of owning a veiled and has helped me out like crazy in preparation and with ongoing advice!! I'm pretty sure he's a very active member of this community haha.

Here's some pics of Velcro before I go.



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Clement I am stoked beyond belief that you finally got yourself a little veiled chameleon!
Since we are on the West Coast and 3 hours ahead of everyone in the East Coast, most people on here won't see this introduction post so don't worry! Generally people on here get very excited when a new member joins and posts their first post and includes photos.

Veiled's will tend to be darker when they are taking in heat. Their scales act exactly as our dark clothing does. The darker it is, the more heat it takes in, yaddyaddya, I'm sure you know all about the scientific aspect of that. Occasionally veileds will go through a period in their life (generally sub-adult) where their colours really flop. You first met Gizmo when he was a sub-adult, and almost always brown. Now he is always vibrantly coloured with greens and yellows. So don't fret if this ever happens to Velcro. I assure you he will show all his glory some day. Plus you could always bring him over and get him nice and excited if I decide to get a female or not, we'll see.

As for the thermometer, if you can hit up your local pet store try to get a thermometer with a probe so you can place the probe/ sensor underneath the basking spot. Actually Chelsey just picked one up today for $22 at Petsmart and it is both Hygrometer and Thermometer and has probes for both of them. Really good deal because you're going to need both anyways. If you don't have a local petsmart I can always buy it for you and ship it to you and you can just transfer money over to me or something. Your call. I'll send you the specifics on Facebook.

Anyways man, really glad you popped onto the forums for a quick hello. I'm excited to meet Velcro, I'll have to swing over to Victoria for a day trip soon.

For anyone who doesn't know what the UVB100 is, it's Exo Terra's new and improved UVB 5.0 bulbs.
welcome to the forum!
normal for them to be shy, darker (can mean it is a little cool and wanting to absorb some heat) and hiding when in a new enclosure, especially if it was handled at first arrival. don't worry :) they know how to find heat if you have a basking spot /light. Give it a few days to settle in
you'll feel better too once you are properly monitoring heat and humidity
Welcome to chameleon forums Clement! I'm so excited for you ! I know you're going to give Velcro the best home possible :) I'm glad Trav got you into wanting a chameleon, they're seriously the best pets ever!
thanks for the warm welcomes everyone!! i'm too excited to join the forums and can't wait to swap some photos and stories with y'all
WOO HOOO BABY VEILED!!!! my female veiled will always be my favorite cham. welcome to the world and yes.. we love baby pictures lol
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