Chameleon Info:
Cage Info:
Current Problem - He pooped 3 days ago (Friday May 29) and it was normal-looking, brown. Today I found a huge orange urate but couldn’t find a poop anywhere near it. Is this normal for them to expel urates without poop?
He is in the middle of molting. Acting normally from what I have read is typical behavior – wakes up with lights, ate out of my hand today!, basks for a couple hours then patrols, goes to sleeping spot a bit before lights turn off. He’s mostly been black/dark colored other than sleep but some colors showed today.
Uploaded some photos of his urates today, one photo is after I squished them. Plus a couple basking pics and one sleeping photo.
- Your Chameleon - Veiled chameleon, male, guessing ~1-1.5 years old? Wild caught in Florida about two weeks ago, mailed to my home on the west coast ~1 week ago.
- Handling - Not at all. He went straight from the box he was mailed in to his enclosure. I handled him for a few minutes when I caught him two weeks ago, and he was placed into a box by a company that ships live animals last week.
- Feeding - Fed 6 adult crickets dusted with calcium w/o vit D on Wednesday (day of arrival). Fed 6 adult crickets + 2 superworms on Friday, dusted with Miner-All. Fed 8 calcium dusted crickets today, Monday, and a few superworm yesterday.
- Crickets are gut-loaded with carrots and Josh's Frogs Premium Cricket Cuisine. My plan is to feed him 6 adult crickets dusted with calcium (no vit D) every other day, and once per week to also include a few superworms. I'll also dust crickets with Miner-All 2x/month.
- Supplements - ReptiCalcium w/o D3 on every feeding. Sticky Tongue Farms Indoor Miner-All 2x/mo. Also bought ReptiVite but haven't used it yet.
- Watering - Manually misting warm water for 2-3 minutes each day, once when I wake up at 7:30am and once around when his lights go off at 7:30pm. I have seen him drinking some droplet off leaves but not that often. I also have a clear water glass near a vine that looks emptier, but haven't seen him drink from it.
- Fecal Description - Not tested for parasites yet but plan to do that in about 2 weeks when he's acclimated to his new home. No feces today but gelatinous and crunchy orange urates. Last poop was on Friday.
- History - Wild caught in southern Florida. Mellow affect compared to other WC chameleons.
Cage Info:
- Cage Type - 24x24x48 Reptibreeze XL screen cage.
- Lighting - Reptisun 5.0 T8 bulb (18”) with typical reptile bulb hooded housing resting on top of the cage. 100W frosted incandescent bulb in an 8.5" ceramic dome with dimmer, turned down to ~80% brightness or so for ideal basking temperature. Daily lighting: 7am – 7:30pm for both bulbs.
- Temperature - measure with a temp/hygrometer at the top and middle of cage. Infrared thermometer used to measure other areas.
Daytime Temps
Basking spot: 80-84 degrees F. Center of cage: 76 degrees F. Bottom of cage: 73-75 deg F.
Evening Temps: ~67-72 deg F. - Humidity - Daytime: 42-55%. Evening: 65-80%. Misting 2x/day in morning and evening. Running warm mist humidifier for 8 hours in the evening right next to the cage. Using temp/hygrometer to measure humidity.
- Plants - Tons of live plants, including: pothos, prayer plant (maranta), bromeliads, two schefflera, snake plant, one philodendron. I built a frame inside the cage so there is nothing touching the floor. There's a tray on the bottom that I can pull out to rinse and drain. There's also manzanita branches in there that I collected, sanded, washed, sanitized and dried.
- Placement - Cage is next to my desk and in the side of a large living room, ~10 feet from large glass french doors and a heating vent. Bottom of cage is about 2 feet off the floor, top of cage is about 6 feet high. It sits on top of a tall wooden TV stand and is surrounded by tall plants.
- Location - Northern California.
Current Problem - He pooped 3 days ago (Friday May 29) and it was normal-looking, brown. Today I found a huge orange urate but couldn’t find a poop anywhere near it. Is this normal for them to expel urates without poop?
He is in the middle of molting. Acting normally from what I have read is typical behavior – wakes up with lights, ate out of my hand today!, basks for a couple hours then patrols, goes to sleeping spot a bit before lights turn off. He’s mostly been black/dark colored other than sleep but some colors showed today.
Uploaded some photos of his urates today, one photo is after I squished them. Plus a couple basking pics and one sleeping photo.
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