Kale and romaine lettuce


New Member
Hi everyone! My name is Kathy and I am new to this forum. My husband and I got a veiled chameleon one week ago and it seems to be doing very well. I do have a question about feeding leafy greens. I have read so much conflicting information about this subject. Two days ago we fed him/it chopped up kale and romaine lettuce which he/it loved, then today I read that those greens are dangerous for them. Can any senior member clarify this for me and let me know what veggies and greens are healthy? Thanks so much.
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I have used kale and romaine for part of the gutloading but not to feed directly. You can use dandelion greens, collards, endive, mustard greens, slivers of sweet potato, sweet red pepper, squash, zucchini and a bit of apple, pear, melon and berries. Romaine has more calcium than some of the other lettuces and provides some moisture too so its okay as a part of the gutload.
Kale and other cruciferous vegetables contain calcium oxalates and goitregens. The oxalates can interfere with the uptake and metabolism of calcium and the goitregins can interfere with thyroid function, cause goiters and gout. Other
plants high in oxalates include: spinach, beet greens, collard greens, parsley, chard, and okra. Plants high in goitregens include: all cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, kale, brussels sprouts). You can still feed these to your cham but in very small and infrequent amounts. Lettuce has very little nutritional value and can cause diarhea.
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