

Established Member
Hi everyone! I have been a member for a while now, but this is my first post.
I breed and culture a number of bugs for my chams. I currently keep roaches- Blaberus sp. and some Panchlora giant sp.
I also culture fruit flies and crickets on occasion.

Lately I have been catching Katydids. I love them as an insect and they make a great feeder. I know due to their breeding process they are a little impractical as a staple feeder. However, I would like to give it a try, maybe an exotic species or even one native to the southern part of the U.S. The problem is that I cannot find anyone that sells them.

I have long been interested in the dead leaf-mimic ones as well as the giant ones from southeast asia. Is there anyone who sells these insects? And if not are they illegal for some reason? I don't understand why it is so easy to find other exotic insects such as mantids and roaches but not katydids.

Thanks for any and all input. :)
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