Keeping 1000 small & 1000 big crickets alive !!


New Member
Hi guys,

I got this in the mail yesterday.

1000 small / 1000 large

I do plan to having a cricket colony -- breed them frequently but I'm in the process of moving to my new apartment so temporarily I just bought them.

I know they will die quick-- but my chameleons are small and I want to feed them a lot-- make sure they have good health growing up to be an adult. The older one is 4 months old, and the young one is 6 weeks old.

How do I keep them alive the longest? They are in a box with egg crate -- so I cut a large hole in the screen and taped/attached it to my cricket house

Their container has gut loading fluekrs brown chow, flukers water crystals, i thew in fresh cut tangerines (today I'm going to throw in little pieces of potatoes)

I attached the box on top of their container with the tubes because they'll have space to hide and won't step on eachother and die and give them space.

How long will they last? will the small crickets last longer? Can I do anything to make them last longer?

Death gas: how do you stop death effect, once a few dies then they all die I guess they release some kind of gas that signals them to all die at once? I don't get it.
You will have less die-off if you:

1. Put them in a large plastic tote ( about 30" long by 20" wide by 15" high). Make a screen lid, and use egg crates in one side laid flat, and on the other side place food and hydration.

2. Your dry gut load needs to be a higher quality, Cricket Crack or Bug Buffet are probably the best dry gut loads made by members here, or Bug Burger.

3. In addition to dry gut load you need to offer vegetables and fruits which will meet hydration needs as well as food value. Look up SandraChameleon's profile, and check her blogs on nutrition values for different fruits and vegetables.

4. Buying 1,000 to 2,000 crickets will motivate you to feed the chams crickets, crickets, and crickets. I would suggest these 2,000 be used for feeding the cams partially, but start your cricket breeding project. You need to offer feeder variety, to better give them the vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats they would get in the wild.

5. Use the search feature on the forum, "raising breeding crickets" and you will see how to breed the little buggers. As a suggestion, if you don't have an outside shed or garage, the cricket smell can kill the process quickly.


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