Keeping/feeding crickets for ONE chameleon....advice needed.


So, fast approaching the purchase of a veiled for my kid.
The chameleon will be 3-4 inches or smaller(depends on if buying at show or at petstore)
So many questions about the food.

Size? How many to buy? How many to feed? How often to feed? How and when to gut load ?

I bought a setup used from someone. It has a clear box with 4 black tubes for crickets housing.
Any help or forwarding threads would be appreciated.
I did some searches and didn't really find anything in detail.
It's usually recommended that the insects be no bigger than the distance between the chameleon's eyes. The number of crickets to feed the chameleon if it's not full grown is as many as it will eat in two or so minutes at each feeding. How often again depends on the age/size and even to some degree on the sex. I feed and gutload them with the same things so to me they are always gutloaded. Sorry I'm not able to be more specific.

When you give the size is it including the tail?
Go to the top of this page and click on the resources tab, you'll find most of the information you need there. There are also supplementation blogs on this forum too. Jannb has an excellent blog/caresheet for veileds.
With my baby chameleon I keep about 20 crickets in a keeper but give my baby about 8 at a time and she eats them so fast. I buy small crickets because medium was bigger than her mouth and the extra small I could barely see and I feared I would lose them. Judging on the size you gave it should be a baby and until you put a few in with it you will not know it's feeding intake.
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