!!Keeping hatchling's in the same Tub or cage? IS IT SAFE?!


Established Member
You cant seem to find anything online anymore sadly! I have been in the hobby for 10 years now and wanted to get back into Panther Chameleons ! I never had and luck with breeding my old male he always ran away from the ladys I owned(daddys boy) lol
So I figured why not give it another shot! i have a 7 month old RBBB Male and a 11 month old RBBB female. They locked up and did there thing for over a hour! 21 days latter i was blessed with 35 eggs! there in my diy cool incubator doing there thing all look healthly it only been two week lol but none of them seem to look discolored or shaped.
I know I have another 9 to 14 months before there are babys Fingers crossed, But what are your thoughts on raising the hatchings in tubs? I use to see ppl doing it all the time and now I only see ppl saying one baby per 16x 16x30 cage!!! That seems alittle crazy to me!
Im open to hear everyone out!
Im also building a nice cages they will be 12x18x18 in groups of 4 (in the image below is the start of the build) i plan on making one or two more of these so i can have 3 babys per cage let me know it thats a good idea.
If not maybe ill just build this 4 cage setup for all the babys like a tub then make bigger cages for once there 4 to 5 months old and they shold be on there own. (thats what I rember hearing 6 years ago)


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Congrats on your yet-to-hatch babies!! The current recommendation is to house and raise the babies individually versus the previously suggested group raising technique. Individually raising babies is more costly and takes up more space but ensures there are no fights, runts, health problems, stunted growth, etc. The Chameleon Academy has released some podcast episodes recently on hatchling care and the pros to individually raising them. I think it can certainly be done via tubs as long as the temps/UVB are closely regulated.

I’m hearing that individual raising is the way to go. no bullies, they all get equal feeding opportunities and it’s far less stressful on them.
I'm all for individually caring for them but I just might get ridiculous to put a 1-in baby in a 16x16 by 30 cage So hear me at home am I at wrong to let's say raise eight of these babies in each of these 4 small cages until they're about 3 months old and then give them their own home
What's the smallest size cage would you use? Yes I'm trying to be cheap to some point and I don't plan I keeping these baby's forever but I do realize I may not be able to sell them as fast as I would like too. I keep seeing these small cages 8 by 8 by 12 tall that's too small I'm assuming
What's the smallest size cage would you use? Yes I'm trying to be cheap to some point and I don't plan I keeping these baby's forever but I do realize I may not be able to sell them as fast as I would like too. I keep seeing these small cages 8 by 8 by 12 tall that's too small I'm assuming
You cant seem to find anything online anymore sadly! I have been in the hobby for 10 years now and wanted to get back into Panther Chameleons ! I never had and luck with breeding my old male he always ran away from the ladys I owned(daddys boy) lol
So I figured why not give it another shot! i have a 7 month old RBBB Male and a 11 month old RBBB female. They locked up and did there thing for over a hour! 21 days latter i was blessed with 35 eggs! there in my diy cool incubator doing there thing all look healthly it only been two week lol but none of them seem to look discolored or shaped.
I know I have another 9 to 14 months before there are babys Fingers crossed, But what are your thoughts on raising the hatchings in tubs? I use to see ppl doing it all the time and now I only see ppl saying one baby per 16x 16x30 cage!!! That seems alittle crazy to me!
Im open to hear everyone out!
Im also building a nice cages they will be 12x18x18 in groups of 4 (in the image below is the start of the build) i plan on making one or two more of these so i can have 3 babys per cage let me know it thats a good idea.
If not maybe ill just build this 4 cage setup for all the babys like a tub then make bigger cages for once there 4 to 5 months old and they shold be on there own. (thats what I rember hearing 6 years ago)
Hello, I know this post is a few months old, but that's also still waiting for hatch day, right 😊 wanted to put my 2 cents in. I'm a small at-home breeder. Basic 1 pair each of ambilobes, sambava, ambanja & nosy be. In a 120 gal fishtank converted into hybrid enclosure, I keep my babies for the first month, then depending on clutch size they move into 1 or 2 full mesh enclosure that's 3 ft tall, by 2x2 together for next month. Then split them by sex till sold ( most gone by 3 months) after that the males get their own enclosure. I've never (knock on wood) had any issues doing it this way. Never had any bitting, fighting or nipped tails etc. I honestly feel that it mostly depends on the sizes of enclosures and how involved you are w them (I know I'm gonna get some frowns for this writeup) I choose to handfed every single one of them, daily, making sure they all eat and drink. Sure some grow faster than other, mostly its the boys who grow fastest of course. But as long as you just keep good eye on them, I really don't think you need to go out and invest in 30-40 tiny enclosures. Besides if you watch them, even being in a 120 converted tank, then they rest or sleep, they huddle together like a cluster of grapes. I really believe they like the comfort of each other. The tomes I've experimented w putting fresh neos in indv enclosures, they haven't seemed nearly as happy or active ( how can they in tiny homes?) My babies have tons of space, walk all over the place all the time, seeming very happy and all super healthy. Yes I do have alot of "escape food" but its found by them later do no biggie. Lol. I say, follow your instinct and do what makes sense to you. I've spent countless of hours listening and reading advise from the best and highest paid breeders, with longest experience etc etc. N I apply their wonderful knowledge where it makes sense. My mentor Petr Necas suggests mimicking nature as much possible, which I agree with.
Good luck with your journey. Let me know when babies are here, maybe ill be interested in one.
Camilla aka camiezone

Ps they are not packed in like it looks in pictures, that's at feeding times, they come to feeding area. They have tons of space.


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I thought I was going deaf listening to the live stream🤦🏻‍♂️
Some important details were kinda missed on the stream tho.
@Gingero states the current “recommendation” is to house hatchlings individually. But during that stream Iparadalis only states the pro of that is growth rate. Nothing about fighting. But coming from a breeder that is making profit from breeding the growth rate “pro” makes sense.
I really like your hatchling setup @Camiezone.
I plan to do a similar set up. And do plan on being tentative to them all…I mean they are babies🥹
@Camiezone how many babies do you keep in that enclosure at a time?
My clutch of 15 will be due in the next few months. And I’m currently building their bioactive enclosure.
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