Chameleon Enthusiast
I have a particular female gracilior that I wish to breed to another male. She first bred in May and has produced two clutches that seem to be fertile. The first clutch is due to hatch in November/December.
Is there a way to kill the retained sperm?
I'm sure I've read that Panacur will kill retained sperm but I can't for the life of me find where I read it. My gut feeling it was somewhere in Mader's REPTILE MEDICINE AND SURGERY.
Is this true?
Does anyone know a way to kill retained sperm?
Is there a way to kill the retained sperm?
I'm sure I've read that Panacur will kill retained sperm but I can't for the life of me find where I read it. My gut feeling it was somewhere in Mader's REPTILE MEDICINE AND SURGERY.
Is this true?
Does anyone know a way to kill retained sperm?