Kinda confused (Breeding veileds)


New Member
Soooo.... 10 months old is my girl receptive or not.. Hearing alot of mixed info so just hoping to be set straight
Soooo.... 10 months old is my girl receptive or not.. Hearing alot of mixed info so just hoping to be set straight

has she ever had unfertile eggs yet? i may have a female and i dont know when they start doing this
To tell if she's receptive you would have to show her to a male and watch the reactions. However, showing her to a male might trigger her into a reproductive cycle.
I agree with pantherenvy. I let my females go without breeding till about 1yr old. Do you have a laying bin ready and waiting in her cage? If she doesn't see a suitable place to lay when she's ready then that leads to a whole other problem...egg bound. Pay attention to her colors prior to , during, and after laying for the next time. You will also start to see her cycle emerge. Best of luck to all.:)
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