Krash Update


New Member
As you all know, Krash decided to take a dump in one of my cups a couple days back in the thread I took him out today to hang out with some friends while watching a movie. He was pretty dark for a while and didn't move around much. I should have take this as a sign....I pick him up off of my comforter because something started to smell and OF COURSE there is a heaping turd on my comforter. Thanks jerk.....again....

Anyways, here he is in front of a mirror. I wanted to see what he would do but he seemed to be pretty unaffected by it. He is a little over 9 months now, Let me know how he looks! (sorry for the sideways pictures)


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As you all know, Krash decided to take a dump in one of my cups a couple days back in the thread I took him out today to hang out with some friends while watching a movie. He was pretty dark for a while and didn't move around much. I should have take this as a sign....I pick him up off of my comforter because something started to smell and OF COURSE there is a heaping turd on my comforter. Thanks jerk.....again....

Anyways, here he is in front of a mirror. I wanted to see what he would do but he seemed to be pretty unaffected by it. He is a little over 9 months now, Let me know how he looks! (sorry for the sideways pictures)
Great looking guy you got there. To turn your pics to be straight up and down: First bring up your picture files. Then right click the one you want to rotate and click edit. When I did this it sent my photo to Paint. From there you go to Image and click Flip/Rotate. Now the Flip/Rotate box will appear and you'll want to select Rotate by angle and then click 90 degrees and then OK. If your pic is not straight up and down, or how you want it, click 90 degrees until it is positioned to your fancy. After the pic is how you want it, click File and then Save As. You have to rename the pic so all I did was leave the original name and to the right of it added "rotated" . Once it saves, exit out of Paint and go to where you want to post a pic. Click the Attachments option and then Browse and Upload on the rotated pic. Then insert the pic into your post. Post a pic when your done so I can see if I helped at all
Krash is quite lovely! Aside from pooping in inappropriate spots...but with colors like that, eh, he can poop where he wants! ;)
Krash looks awesome, but correct me if I'm wrong if you can smell his feces might that be a chance of parasites?
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