Kush getting big!


New Member
Here is a recent picture of my little guy Kush. I can't believe how fast he is growing! I swear he has doubled in size since I got him a month and a half ago...and he's only 3.5 months!

He is still a little pissy when I try to get him out, but once he's out he's fine. He almost ate a cricket out of my hand yesterday, which was a huge surprise to me! He's coming around slowly! He loves to crawl up and down my arms!
That's about the age when chams hit that spurt! He'll be 3ft long in another month! :eek: :D

I can't believe how much he's grown since I've had him! He's a great eater. I've never had any other pet that has grown this quickly. You can almost see it daily at one point!!
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