Lack of Silkworms available?


New Member
I have tried Mulberry farms, and they are out of silkworms, and so are Coastal Silkworms apparently. What other website has them in stock?
google live silkworms, i found it today then decided not to buy.

I just check it again. it is hope that helps.
Thank you very much, I was getting frustrated that I kept going on sites to find them out of silk worms. I need them bad too because my baby beardie is boycotting crickets right now and I read that baby bearded dragons dont last very long without frequent meals. I didn't realize they could be picky like chameleons, my adult beardie eats everything without question. Even my cham has eaten everything offered, and she surprisingly goes after crickets enthusiastically.
Thank you very much, I was getting frustrated that I kept going on sites to find them out of silk worms. I need them bad too because my baby beardie is boycotting crickets right now and I read that baby bearded dragons dont last very long without frequent meals. I didn't realize they could be picky like chameleons, my adult beardie eats everything without question. Even my cham has eaten everything offered, and she surprisingly goes after crickets enthusiastically.

I have raised tons of baby beardies and never know one that wouldn't eat. Are you sure the food is sized ok for the baby? how old is your beardie? Is it warm enough, like chams they need to be warm to eat. I also soak mine in some warm water it might help it go to the bathroom if it is too full to eat. Dragons are excellent swimmers, but I wouldn't leave it alone. Let me know how it does.
You can also try They seem to be a bit cheaper than the other site that was suggested. I plan on ordering from them soon to try and add to my feeder variety.
Ditto for ladysilkworms. Just received two more orders from her. Shippers, both UPS and USPS(especially) are trying to make it really hard on her, but I got both orders with very few losses. Very happy with what I received and my panthers will be living the high life for the next couple weeks.
Yes the first suggestion I took immediately because I was getting desperate to find silkies and i spent a lot for these silkworms and food... But w/e if my baby survives i could care less about the price of ordering feeders. Basically I got this baby in mid august and he took a while to settle down and eat properly. Maybe once or twice. Then I introduced him silkworms which were 1/2 in- 3/4 in at the time and he loved them. Was told he is only about a month old but he has grown a bit since I got him. I gave him silkies because he wasn't eating as many small crickets as it says they are capable of at this stage. The weird part is after the silk worms died ( as i did not intend to breed) he did eat crickets then suddenly stopped feeding. I experimented to see if he wanted worms and apparently he does because i tried waxworms to hold him over while i get silk worms and he does go for them and ignores crickets. And he doesnt touch his veggies really, I've seen him eat one small piece of romaine since I had him. Temperature on his basking spot is usually 93-95, 100 on a very hot disgusting day. I'm hoping he's just going on a hunger strike and that's it no other underlying problems.

That's him.
Hmm my guess is close to 2 months old perhaps? Total length of 5-6 inches, snout to vent perhaps 2 in. 37 eggs?! Dam that's a lot. My adult laid 19 that were infertile i believe, and she ate two of them before i could get them out.. i didnt know they did that she really surprised me. Then again she eats everything without question.
?? Idk what you mean with your post. Anyway since my PMs seem to NEVER work and get to people I send them to might as well ask here. The basking spot for the baby is normally 95 degrees, should it be a little higher or should that be good enough?
I love how people are suggesting a website that had to spam itself here to gain any foothold...... :rolleyes:
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