Lay Bin đź—‘


Avid Member
So my veiled isn’t showing any signs of wanting to lay ect but I was thinking of just having a lay bin in her new enclosure permanently so it’s easier for me and her rather that trying to work out when she’s ready to lay or not if that makes sense.
I have play sand and substrate but want to know the best way to sterilise the sand?
Also is it okay to mix substrate with sand? What would you guys recommend? The “bin” is about 12 inches deep and quite wide

Would appreciate any tips and photos of your lay bins 🥚🪹🪺
Yes! Most definitely is a great idea to keep the lay bin as a permanent part of your girl’s enclosure. No need to sterilize the sand. Just give it a good rinse to get the dust out. You can do a 50/50 sand & organic soil mix if you like. If you do that then you could put a plant in a corner of the bin. Chams like to lay against root balls.
Even though my girls have bioactive enclosures (the whole floor is a lay bin!) the last time one laid she made it clear that there were no appropriate places for her to lay. She added to my collection of grey hair until I finally put her old lay bin in her enclosure out of desperation. So now, both of my veiled girls have standard lay bins incorporated in their substrate. 🤷‍♀️ The bins are tall but I only fill to about 5-6” deep. I think they are 12-13” wide. I have the bins in the back not just for privacy, but so the mister hits it and keeps the sand moist. The bins do have several small drainage holes in their bottoms so they don’t become mud. Thankfully I was correct in determining their poo spots and no poo has gotten in the bins.
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